Thursday, August 9, 2007

photos of bridge

I don't blame anyone who feels they are imaged out from the I35 bridge collapse. But my sister just emailed me the following site. It has the best photos I've seen so far. Several of them appeared in our local paper and probably around the country. These are very powerful images, and I just wanted to share the info in case you want to see them.

The verbage is in Russian, but the photos are universal.


Laurie and Chris said...

The pictures are amazing. I am so sorry this is so close to home for you. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you and your family. I know what 9-11 did to us and we didn't know anyone in the buildings but my cousin who is 6 months younger then me was supposed to be in the building for a meeting and it was canceled so he didn't go let me tell you I felt so bad being happy to know he wasn't there.Take care of yourself.

Kitt said...

Wow, those are amazing.

kate said...

I haven't been watching much of the coverage, so these photographs were incredible. It is so hard to imagine how this happened - all that steel and concrete just crumbling like a sand castle.

Thank you for posting these.

Susie said...

These photos really capture the massive devastation and heartbreak.

kris said...

Thanks for your comments - and for taking a look. The photo of the 3 clergymen tugged at my heart - and also the one that shows another bridge in the background lined with people. I am amazed that more people weren't killed when this happened - and very, very thankful.