Monday, January 7, 2008

a walk at the Arb

Thanks for all of your comments about the bread I'm experimenting with. I didn't bake any over the weekend or today, but will let you know how the next loaf comes out. We've been enjoying some really nice weather (for winter in Minnesota!!), so today I went to the Arb for a walk. I walk there year round - it's good for my soul. Here are a few of the beautiful things I saw.

These are some of the holiday/winter containers they display. A lot of them are made by area garden centers and designers. In the visitor center they had several trees displayed over the holidays - they were all decorated with natural materials - dried hydrangea, seed heads, pinecones, ornaments made from bark, etc. They were very fun to see - lots of great ideas to try and remember to use next year here at home!

These two photos are from the Japanese garden area. In nicer weather, the area in the bottom photo has a pond and waterfall - and koi swimming around. Very pretty and peaceful.

The tree stump you see next to the treehouse was a huge old oak tree. It and a former treehouse were damaged in a big storm a few years ago. They rebuilt the treehouse and retained the stump, kind of as a tribute to the wonderful tree that was there. I used to sit in the treehouse on nice spring days and read a book or write in my journal. It was fun. Maybe sometime I'll be taking my grandson to play in it!!

Look how pretty these red dogwoods are against the white snow.

Is there anything more grand in the northern winter landscape than beautiful, big evergreens?

I thought this stand of ornamental grass was pretty too - you can see the seeds.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kris,
The Japanese Garden looks a little different than it did last Summer when we were there-----looks like a good cover of SNOW!!!!!!!!!

It's been in the 80's here the past few days, and Saturday, Sunday and today the breeze we always seem to have, has become a gale force wind........

Friday's bread looks great, good enough to eat.

Susie said...

Looks like a beautiful place to walk :)
That ornamental grass is really a striking color especially with the winter white!

Giddy said...

We're having a January thaw right now, so we got out for a nice walk in the fresh air. I also tried the bread recipe and am absolutely hooked on it. The bread is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really pretty place. I love the snow!

Kitt said...

Lovely. I heart ornamental grasses.

Laurie and Chris said...

Great pictures! All of our snow is gone it got up to 66 yesturday thay is alittle scary in NY.

Thank you for the recipes I can't wait to try them.

this said...

Lovely photographs. It does look like a wonderful place to explore.

kate said...

That must have been a lovely walk. The teahouse looks beautiful - I like the idea that the oak tree was kept as a remembrance.

nonizamboni said...

A garden walker of the highest level, you are! I've been walking at Como Lake this week too.
Glad you're back--thanks for stopping by my blog. I really liked the photos you took of the inside of your beautifully decorated home for the holidays--especially the swag and wreath over the fireplace.
Looks like snow again!

Sara said...

Hi Kris, what an interesting set of photographs. Ihave enjoyed reading this post.
Sara from farmingfriends

Cheryl said...

Love the redwoods. When I moved here six years ago we inherited one. It is only a little chap compared to yours but still beautiful. Not sure he belongs in the English countryside but hopefully he will grow into old age. Global warming might have something to say about that. Mid winter and 50f...not quite right.