The question has been posed - where am I????? I've been trying to figure that out. :)
The short answer is that I have been feeling burned out with blogging. I thought if I took a break, maybe I'd feel the same excitement I had last year at this time - when I couldn't wait to share what was blooming in the gardens each day and spent time visiting all of my friends in Blogland.
I apologize for not posting an explanation on the blog prior to this one - and I can't tell you how guilty I feel about not visiting your blogs. Guilt is such a huge and unnecessary burden to bear, and yet... there you go.
I have been enjoying my gardens - tulips, tulips, tulips - everywhere I look. I love it. And we have been involved in several projects - this week we're getting a new roof put on the house. It's lovely - and, guess what just popped into my head: I'll have to get a photo and show you! (So, see, there is hope!)
Tomorrow we're leaving for a couple days in Seattle - to see our grandson! Spencer Ryan was born April 12. Ryan and Sara say he is absolutely perfect. I can't wait to see that for myself!
I promise I will write another post when we return home. I'll either be writing to tell you how much I have enjoyed this past year - or I'll be back into blogging and you'll see all that I've been up to the past couple months.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My apologies to everyone who has Google Reader or some other reader tool. I've been playing with a new computer program that works great for organizing recipes, book lists, garden info, etc. I wanted to share with you what I've been doing - by showing you the pages I've done. But when I linked the pages to the blog, I think it allowed anyone looking at it to go in and help me out! As much as I love you guys, I really don't want you inside any of my computer programs! :)
I'll keep playing a bit and see if there's any way to show you - photos of the pages or whatever. The program is OneNote - I am liking it a lot. More to come - I hope~ :)
I'll keep playing a bit and see if there's any way to show you - photos of the pages or whatever. The program is OneNote - I am liking it a lot. More to come - I hope~ :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
signs of spring
Wow - sun earlier today - and 50's!! Woo-hoo! A lot of melting going on. Forecast: rain tonight. By Tuesday morning 3-7 inches of fresh snow. Drat. So, good thing I took some pix this morning.
I did this one extra big so you could actually see what I'm so excited about. :)
I have little tulip sprouts showing up in several areas of the gardens. It gives me great hope for beautiful things to come.
A lovely clump of coral bells. I love the spring greens and purples.
I have little tulip sprouts showing up in several areas of the gardens. It gives me great hope for beautiful things to come.
coral bells,
garden decorations,
ornamental grass,
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
which view do you like better?
Monday, March 3, 2008
a bedroom finally comes together
Thank you all for your good wishes on my blogiversary. And also for your good thoughts about the loss of my friend Babe. I can't believe that I will never sit and chat with her again - but I feel so fortunate to have known her for so many years. She was a sweetheart.
I wanted to show you another project I've been working on this winter. Last summer I found this picture at a garage sale (the weird lines in it are from the reflection from the blinds). The orange-tone colors weren't exactly what I have my house filled with - but the background and over-all feel of the picture was something I thought would fit in our bedroom very well. We put up new wallpaper a couple years ago and I have been trying since then to find bedding I was happy with. I can't begin to tell you all of the trips I've made - buying complete sets, returning them because the color was just wrong, repeat, do over. I had almost given up on ever finding what I thought I wanted!
These photos are of the wallpaper - hard to get a picture that shows the exact color - plus it changes with the light - but you get the idea. The paper is smooth - but it gives the impression of great texture and subtle variations in color. After I had chosen the paper, I looked in the back of the wallpaper book and found that this particular faux finish was called "concrete" - of course I would choose wallpaper that looks like concrete!! I love it anyway. :)

All in all, I'm pretty happy with it. We're not big on lots of frills and pillows - I like getting up and shaking out the duvet and not thinking about it again - Mark likes just jumping into bed at night without clearing it first. Still have more wall space to figure out, but it's finally coming together. The stained glass in the small window is one of a set that our son and daughter-in-law made for us one year for Christmas. They are absolutely beautiful - I'll have to show them in a post sometime too. The light patterns on the duvet are from the windows - that entire wall is windows facing the lake - it's a gorgeous room to wake up in every morning!
This winter I found this brick red duvet and matching sheets etc (below) - and it worked really well with the burnt orange in the picture and with the walls. There is a very subtle print on one side of the duvet. I love it. The dark color shows all of the little bits and pieces that float around from the down pillows and comforter, but other than that I think it's perfect. I also bought a bedding set in a greyed or blued green - hard to describe - for summer sheets. It's very pretty and after I make the duvet, I'll show it to you. I couldn't find a duvet I liked with those sheets so bought extra sheets to make one.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I've lost someone special
I found out this morning that a very dear neighbor and friend had passed away this week. My heart just hurts thinking that I will never again sit with her in person and share news of the neighborhood and our families. I will never again hear her generous compliments, her wise insights, her unfailingly positive voice. I will, of course, have talks with her and hear her voice - but only in my head - in my memories. She will now be in that part of my life that holds memories of my grandparents - rich, full memories - but not nearly as wonderful as all those in-person chats - not nearly as comforting as warm hugs.
When we moved to this street in 1975, Babe's mother lived at the end of the street. Grace was an old woman at the time - at least to my 25 years. I liked her because you always knew where you stood with her. If she wasn't pleased, she told you - likewise, she never hesitated to pass on a compliment. She had the most incredible gardens. They reminded me of my grandmothers' gardens. In the early 80's - shortly after we moved into this house on the lake, Grace passed on and Babe and her husband, Glenn, moved into her house. Babe immediately became a favorite neighbor. She was an excellent role model for aging gracefully. I don't think I have ever met anyone as genuinely positive and appreciative of those around her.
Babe had back problems and let a lot of the gardens go back to lawn. In the process, she shared countless plants with neighbors and friends. I remember talking to her one year shortly before my birthday. I mentioned that I loved Siberian squill or scilla. On the morning of my birthday, she came down the street with a small bucket full of scilla and other treasures from her garden! She never failed to mention how much she loved my gardens - or to tell me what a wonderful man I'm married to - or what wonderful young men I've raised. I am going to miss her terribly.
This morning our son came out to visit - and do a couple loads of laundry. We were talking and I mentioned that I had seen Babe recently at the nursing home, and that she had said how much she had enjoyed seeing him a couple years ago. Our son said why don't we go down and visit her this morning? We decided to wait an hour so she would be up and ready for the day. A half hour before we were going to head out the door, Babe's son called and gave me the news. I was so glad that we had been thinking of her before John called - it actually helped soften the blow.
Next spring, when the ground has thawed and plants have sprung back to life, I will walk down to her yard and ask her son if I can dig up a few things from her gardens. John will say of course - Mom would want you to have some plants to remember her by. I won't need plants to remember Babe - but I will treasure having a small part of her in my gardens.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
one year of blogging
Well, as I said yesterday, today marks one year of blogging for me. I can't believe I've been doing this for a year! I thought I would tell you how it all began for me.
About a year ago, I was looking for info on the No-Knead bread and found a beautiful step-by-step pictorial on Kitt's blog. I scrolled through her blog a little and found a photo of her first crocus. We were still in the dead of winter here in Minnesota so that made me smile. And then a few posts further down I found a photo of her standard poodle, Sophie. Well, of course, she had me hooked right there! I left a comment and she responded by asking for my blog address and saying she'd love to see our dogs. I took a look at Blogger and decided I could figure out how to at least show her the dogs. I did this post and then went on to do another and another and, with a little help and lots of encouragement from Kitt, pretty soon I was hooked on blogging! I thought the blog would be a great way to keep in touch with family and to share my gardens, so I shared my new hobby with them. My dad and Mark's dad are my two most faithful readers - they check the blog first thing every morning. I love it!
I spent quite a bit of time being a "lurker" - looking but not leaving comments on other blogs. Thank goodness I moved beyond that stage! It was so fun when more people began coming here and leaving comments for me. I love being a part of this community. I have met so many wonderful people - it makes my family smile, but I think of you all as friends. It would give me great pleasure to meet each of you and sit down for a cuppa and walk through your gardens and see all of your beautiful handcrafts. I feel honored to be a part of this whole experience.
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