Saturday, March 31, 2007
thin ice indeed
Friday, March 30, 2007
northern lights

Thursday, March 29, 2007
the guest room
This is our guest room (which I was going to get totally decorated - done - finished this winter). About a year ago we hung new wallpaper. It has a pretty cool pattern to it - called "concrete" or "cement" or something exciting like that - still, kind of cool. It's a light sand color with grey in it primarily. The woodwork is all painted white - doors, windows, closet doors, etc (altho in these photos I can see that the closet doors need to be repainted - looking kind of off-white after Mark painted the woodwork ((before the paper went up)) ), and the carpet in the room is kind of a dark sand color.
We found some wood shutters at a garage sale and used 4 of them to make a headboard. The color contrast is maybe a little stronger than shows in the photo, but not much. Used a very dark royal blue for bedspread, light denim blue for sheets, and one sham pretty much matches the paper. My idea was sea and sand - a fun "cottage at the lake" look.
I think I'm going to print some black and white photos and use simple black frames and set them on top of the "headboard" - maybe one of my gardens in bloom, one of the lake, one of the house??
Have a lovely photo of the beach in LA hanging on one wall - the photo is totally blue and sand colored. And another larger picture that I need to re-mat, frame etc for another wall. And then the 4th wall has an antique dresser with a cool mirror on it.
So basically all I have done is the headboard and bedding, but still... You would not believe how long it took me to find the bedding!!!!! I also want to find some cute ideas for night tables. We put a queen-size bed in there, so no room for tables sitting on the floor. I'm thinking maybe I can find some great shelf supports to make something??
One great thing I did is get a bedspread for the bed and a matching coverlet that I have on over the bedspread all the time unless we have company. The dogs can jump on the bed without me having to wash the bedspread everytime someone is going to be here. Smart, huh? Of course, the dogs (who lived on that bed BEFORE I had this brainstorm) don't really like that room anymore. Now they're lounging and sleeping at night in my office that has the cool iron bed in it. (Maybe I'll post some photos of it sometime - it is very cool.) They are probably trying to drive me crazy - and seriously, I don't have all that far to go, so they should maybe just stop.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Hot Air Balloons

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
the missing photos
waiting for flowers
It's been a few days since I posted. I've been busy working in the gardens - raking, raking, raking. Have the east side of the house left to do and that job will be done. Nice!
Yesterday we hit 81 - it was a gorgeous day. Mark got in a nice motorcycle ride, I played in the dirt, and the dogs were totally worn out from romping all day. We all have spring fever!
Kobie is a poser, no doubt about it! This shows off the lovely haircut he got so he'd look nice for Thanksgiving when Ryan & Sara were here for a few days. Went back to November '06 for today's photos. All of these were taken on 11/23 except 2nd lake photo which was taken 11/25. Green grass and open water - gotta love it!
So, here's the difference 2 days can make. I don't recall if the lake stayed frozen after we got this light skim 11/25, but it probably wasn't long after that. Today it's really rotten and breaking up along the shoreline - but still nicely frozen in the center. At least there haven't been any fishermen out in the middle since Sunday!
Had some lovely photos of sedum and coral bells on here - but just managed to erase them - so guess maybe you'll see them on tomorrow's blog! There are so many things coming up in the garden - I love this time of year. Scilla is almost ready to bloom, so will have "real time" photos to share soon!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
warmer days
This one is the Spoonbridge and Cherry. It's totally cool in person - and from the freeway as you drive past - and in photos, I guess!! St Mary's Basillica is in the background.
This was a totally cool sculpture - copper wire wrapped to make a ball - it looks like a giant ball of yarn with sticks in the center. They have it sitting in a small garden with evergreen shrubs. I love it.
This is the Frank Gehry carp in the Conservatory. These photos were taken last winter. Today the snow is gone - mid 60's yesterday and today - and looks like most of the coming week. Looking more like spring everyday. One of our outdoor thermometers gets hit by sun in late afternoon. Yesterday we watched it climb from 65 to 88 in about 5 minutes. Then we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate the first 88 degree day of the year!!!
Raked more gardens today - still much more to do, but it feels good to be outside working. Our son Kyle came out for awhile today - had lunch with us and did a couple loads of laundry - I'm sure that lunch was the main reason... ;)
Tonight was all about the heating pad - oh well!
Friday, March 23, 2007
feels like spring
Oops - guess Kobie was bored too!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
reality check
Just received a book in the mail from Amazon. It's called Gardens of the Wine Country by Molly Chappellet. I found it at the library and renewed it the 3 times they allowed me to, which means I had it here for 12 weeks. Finally decided maybe I should just get my own copy. At Amazon with shipping it cost me $6.50 - not bad for a $40 book!
The first time we went to Sonoma with Ryan & Sara, I commented that maybe we should retire to Sonoma - it was beautiful. I just had the feeling that it would be a wonderful place to live. Of course the reality of real estate prices means I'll never actually live there, but this book shows some of the wonderful gardens in Napa (right next door to Sonoma). So maybe the next best thing!!
I picked up a book at the library today too - Staircase of a Thousand Steps by Masha Hamilton. One of her books was recommended on another blog I visit, so thought I'd start with this one. I'll let you know what I think.
Just finished a book by William Kent Krueger. He has written a series featuring Cork O'Connor as the hero that is really good. Krueger lives in St Paul and his stories are based in a small town in northern Minnesota. The ones I've read so far are Iron Lake and Boundary Waters. I enjoyed them both. He mixes Ojibwe stories in while telling the mystery story and it's really interesting. His descriptions of the Boundary Waters were very nice.
Have seen a couple good movies recently. Casino Royale - the newest James Bond - was okay. This Bond was kind of different from Bonds of old - vulnerable, maybe? I liked him.
The Holiday was a good romantic comedy. Kate Winslet was especially good in it.
A couple weeks ago we watched Borat - so rude it was funny. The Departed - violent but good. And when Mark was on a business trip I watched Marie Antoinette - interesting take on the story and set in Versailles - so I'll have to order it up again sometime so he can see it.
This photo looks kind of weird - it's metal sculptures on upright posts along a walking path at the Arb. I love the sculptures - I think just sheet metal that's been cut and allowed to rust. I wish I could think of a place to do something like it in my gardens. No doubt sometime I will! (Maybe by the gate that leads to the dock??? I'll keep you posted!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNI!!!! (yes I did send her a birthday email - like I'm sure she'd be bored silly by my blog - but thinking of her today and had to give a shout)
To everyone else : HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
blogs to check out
I have some bug that must be going around. One day I have a splitting headache (I don't get headaches normally) and the next my stomach is killing me. Then back to the headache and so on. I hate being sick. I do think that everyone should have a sick day now and then - when you cozy up with a good book and cup of hot tea. But actually being sick bites.
The reason for this "more than you wanted to know" narrative is that I didn't feel good when I woke up today, so opted out of my French class. No reason to pass it on to Nadine and Susan. This is good or bad news: good because now I might actually finish my homework assignment by next week; bad because if Susan went to class, I am now even further behind than before. I really need to get my act together on the French thing. I know once I can get into the gardens, it will be even harder to make myself spend time on it. Maybe I need a little trip to France in my future to get me going!!!
Rose Levy Beranbaum's site is also a good one with a lot of different baking projects.
While checking out Beranbaum's site, I found which has wonderful step-by-step instructions and pictures for making the No Knead Bread. She just added a link from her main page to the bread page. (Kitt also has some beautiful flower and poodle photos posted!!!)
Last night I was surfing for garden blogs and found one that is written by a woman who is starting a new site with 2 friends on bread baking. They have a newsletter you can sign up for - as does Beranbaum.
Just in case you want to check them out!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
I want to see my tulips!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
kitchen project
Speaking of projects, these 3 photos show the new house going up kitty-corner across the street from us. In December they tore down the house on that lot and now we have a lovely McMansion. We are so thrilled - NOT!!!!! (Wait until we get our next property tax statement - then we'll really not be happy!)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
garden stuff
I just went out and looked, and I have quite a few things showing up. The peony on the west side of the house (by the side door) is showing some pretty red shoots. Also have Jacob's ladder, primroses, and coral bells showing green. The dwarf and tall bearded irises have green too. I can't wait to see the first blooms.