I don't know if you can see it or not, but the bottom picture shows tulip or daffodil bulbs coming up!!!! This is by my gazebo down by the lake, and I have cute little red-orange tulips and bright yellow daffodils that are always the first to bloom in the gardens. I think this garden spot just gets warmer faster than the others. They aren't the prettiest spring flowers I have, but they are so welcome after a long winter that they might be my favorites!
The top picture shows dwarf bearded iris coming up. Still way too early to get out and start cleaning up the gardens, but this past week we have had gorgeous temps - right around 60 yesterday and today - and the gardens are responding. I LOVE IT!
(If you click on the pics you can see better - but for some reason when I click on them the pix become gigantic and you have to move the cursors to see different parts - I have a lot to learn about this program yet!)
I broke down and got a copy of Cesar's Way. I have never seen him on Oprah or Nat'l Geographic, but his book really is good. We definitely treat our dogs like people. They both have way too much energy - get over excited when we come home or someone comes to visit. We have kind of ignored it because after a minute or two, they become very calm and relaxed. But that first two minutes - phew! His take on it is that they aren't getting enough exercise and that we aren't demanding the behavior that we want from them. I can't argue with that. So we are now taking walks every day and our neighbor has agreed to help us with the greeting problems. Who knows, they might become great dogs yet!!!
Looks like Spring is on the way--I'm sure everyone up North is ready
I could definitely see the tips of the bulbs comming thru----
Had some rain here yesterday, but sun out bright this afternoon.
More later,
The 'Texas Connection"
When you're here in May/June, there should be tons of things blooming. Won't that be lovely?!
Yay, more poodles! And spring sprouting, too. I wonder if those red shoots might be peonies? Mine are starting to come up now, too.
The photo is big when you click on it because that's the size your camera is taking (1600 pixels wide) and hence what you're uploading to Blogger. I size my photos down to 800p wide, which is usually big enough to show the detail I want. You can resize your photos using any photo manipulation program, or even Microsoft Paint if you're on PC. A smaller photo also loads faster, being a smaller file size.
Or, you can just not worry about it! There's gardening and dog-walking to be done.
Thanks Kitt! I've been trying to figure out the photo thing since I started this.
I don't think I have any peonies in that spot - and it's still a little early for them here - but you're right, they do look like peony shoots. I hope you post pix of your gardens on your blog. I look at your crocus photo quite often!
Thanks, I'll try the new idea, really don't need the whole thing displayed.
Beautiful here today, and Dad is feeling better.
The 'Texas Connection'
Well, I think you should sign in as Mom & Dad rather than anonymous!!! But I'll know who "Texas Connection" is! (maybe that's what you should use as your username??)
Kitt - I just went out and looked, and I do have one peony starting to come up! But still thinking shoots in photo are tulips. Guess I'll know for sure pretty soon!
Hey there!!! I just had to be a joiner! You are doing a great job w/your blog - I love to check it out!
We are "melting" down here too - lots of snow in the yard yet, but we don't have much sunlight down here...that will come!!!
Looking forward to riding and camping - we also have a time w/photos of the black horses! It is hard to send a good pic that shows detail of the dark ones.
Talk to you soon. Patti
Hey Patti - thanks for checking out the blog! So that's why the photos you send always have brown or tan horses... We have to start planning our trip to Iowa City - I want to see Jess's ROCK!
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