Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm not obsessed, really

This may look like an obsession with the first home-grown tomato of the season, but really, it's not! I just thought you would be as interested as I've been to see the one and only tomato I have turning red as it s l o w l y does its thing. The next post about my first tomato will be to tell you how very, very yummy it was - promise!

the tomato on Friday, July 20ththe tomato on Sunday, July 22nd
the tomato on Monday, July 23rd
(Well, I might have to show you the BLT - we'll see!)


Carol Michel said...

I completely understand, I really do, as should any gardener who grows tomatoes. That first ripe one is so special. I love the obsession!

Carol at May Dreams Gardens

Laurie and Chris said...

It is getting there!! I can smell the bacon cooking already :)

Connie said...

I can understand your excitement. I spent all last week watching my first. It is a bona fide garden event! :-)

kris said...

Hi Carol - thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! Yeah, I think every gardener cherishes that first tomato - and waits impatiently for it to turn red! Hope you stop in again.

Hi Laurie & Chris - oh, me too! I'll let you know how wonderful it was!

Connie - I saw the photo of your tomato - it was a beauty!

Kitt said...

Time-lapse photography! I think you should set up a TomCam.